Tuesday, March 19, 2013

[PJ Media]: The EU Crosses the Rubicon; How Far Behind Is the US?

The article,   The EU Crosses the Rubicon; How Far Behind Is the US? , discusses confiscation of 401k's in connection with what has just transpired in Cyprus.

Chris Laird talked about this, and things like this, years ago. He even recommended taking money out of accounts---years ago. This should not be news to anybody. The shock out there tells you the state of delusion out there. But I repeat myself.  No use beating it to death, I suppose.

Even if you are ahead of the curve on this, it confers little advantage.  As the author, Ed Driscoll says, perhaps you should just Enjoy the Decline.


There are those who thought Monday may have been really bad in the markets.  Nope.  This all reminds me of the USS Cole bombing in 2000.  On Columbus Day, no less.  Even back then, which was a time when most of the population had its collective head up its ass, the market did decline 400 points at the open.  But it gained it all back, thereby blowing off the significance of the event.

Less than a year later, the 9-11 terrorists hijacked the planes and crashed them into the World Trade Center, killing 3000 people.  No big deal, I suppose.

This country is hosed.  And the funniest thing about it all is that nobody gives a damn.  Well, not exactly funny.  Maybe peculiar is the better word.

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