Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Constitution won't save us from a Cyprus like confiscation

People in this country are taking the event in Cyprus rather calmly.

It's a boil-the-frog type problem here.

People may feel safe because of our traditions and our Constitution.  But if it can happen there, it can happen here.  It should be remembered that the left really admires Europe.  Stuff like this event matches up well with the rest of the blue social model.  They over-promise and under-deliver.  When they can't pay for all their promises, they do a Cyprus.

If Social Democrat leftist blue model can bring a Cyprus type event, it can certainly happen here.  The Constitution won't save us because the politicians will not honor it.  They will emulate Europe.  Thus, the politicians will allow it to be subverted over time, and when it is fully subverted, there won't be any protections left.

It is being subverted slowly, through the culture.  They get to the weaker members.  They go after the kids, the women, and the elderly.  They go after the disaffected and deranged.  These are being used as instruments intended to bring about the destruction of the Republic.  The Constitution is seen as an obstacle to be overcome.  Listen closely to their words and you will understand this to be true.

Problems aren't solved, they are exploited for political gain.  The subversion gathers strength.

That subversion has gone a long, long way towards its goal.  The frog is nearly boiled alive.

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