Monday, March 18, 2013

I've been pissed all day

What put me in a bad mood?  Rush Limbaugh.

What did Rush say that pissed me off?  A few things.
  1. He said that the Republicans are worried that so many young people in the party favor same sex marriage.  That doesn't make me mad at Rush, but it makes me mad at the people who should have done something about this and didn't.  Now this is upon us and the only thing they're thinking is how they figure they are going to cave in to something that is as bad as this is.
  2. He said they are worried about their donor base.  Actually, I don't think this is true.  I think they are getting payola so that they can betray the rest of the people who believe their bullshit about protecting the heritage of this country.  If they paid more attention to the people who actually cared enough to bring their asses to the polls and vote, they'd be in a lot better shape.  Chasing after the big bucks invariably means being co-opted into their agenda, which is corrupt, and intends to screw everybody all the time.
  3. He said he doesn't want to criticize the Republicans.  He should be ripping them a new one every single day until they either got the right religion, or just jump the party.  Better to get rid of the unfaithful bastards and start fresh.
Another thing I thought about in overall picture situation is why the hell do I give a shit?  Nobody else does.

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