Monday, February 4, 2013

WND: Why is government stockpiling guns, ammo?

Joseph Farrah

He seems to have this guy figured out.  He predicted that Obama would appoint Gates as defense secretary because Gates talked about a civilian national security force.

So, that's what the idea is.  It is for a civilian national security force.  That force is intended to wage war on the political opposition.  Obama has declared war on the opposition.

He is setting a new bureaucracy under his direction, the article points out.  The media says nothing.  The Congress does nothing.  Now he wants our guns.

He is an aspiring dictator.  His supporters are cheering him on.


A thought on this state of affairs.  Since the Senate won't pass a budget, it is up to the House to stop this development.  Yet, the House will do nothing.  How can the House stop this?  The House has the power of the purse.  The House can refuse to approve funds for these purchases.  If the administration won't obige, it can refuse funds across the board.

The House is derelict in its duty.  Why is that so?  Why won't they do something?  Does this mean that the House Republicans approve of this?


Another thought on this.  Correlating this series of developments with the book Why We Are Falling Apart, one could conclude that the government knows darned well that a collapse is possible and is preparing for the chaos that ensues.  Yet they do nothing about that, either.

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