Wednesday, February 6, 2013

MAB post 12

As a refresher, the MAB is a speculative Microwave Air Breathing Booster.  Maybe it should be MABB, huh?

There were eight specifically named MAB posts, but there were other mentions, so I'll call this one number 12.

Now, here's the latest idea with a speculation alert.

Let's use the maglev to get the booster plus orbital vehicle airborne.  Using a microwave beam, described in earlier posts, boost the two stage launch vehicle high into the atmosphere, where the assembly of two vehicles separate.  The booster returns to base to be reused.  The second stage is a proposed new idea.  Use a nuclear thermal design with the tungsten fuel rods discussed on the Space Show months ago---actually close to a year.

The problem with nuclear thermal is that it doesn't have enough thrust in order to overcome its mass. It cannot be launched from the ground.  But once it is already up and moving, this problem no longer exists.  It only needs a thrust ratio of greater than one to get to orbit and this idea should accomplish that.

By using a tungsten fuel rod, it will overcome the problem of radiation release.

The advantage of using nuclear thermal is that it increases the ISP of the rocket, which means less fuel will be necessary.  Payloads can be larger.

The second stage will also be reusable. It could use the VentureStar's airframe. The oxygen tank can be replace by the nuclear fuel core. Hopefully, the weight should be similar, or even less. The hydrogen tank may be downsized a little, or kept the same size, if necessary. Or it may be larger, should it be required.

Here's a video of the VentureStar.

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