Saturday, January 26, 2013

Conservatism is an illusion

For the moment at least, I cannot decide upon the title for this post.  That's because my thoughts are wandering all over the place.

Let's start with something that struck me last night as I was driving home from my last delivery.  It was to the Southwest part of town, which is where I used to work back in the seventies.  What struck me is how much the area has changed over the years.  It bears little resemblance to what it used to be.

So many changes, and the changes aren't good.  You see, this was once a pretty conservative town.  The last election, Houston was blue.  The whole of Harris County was blue.  I would not have expected this.  Goes to show you that things are changing and the changes are catching up to us.  It's not good because these changes are due to people from other cultures.  These people do not understand nor appreciate what made this country what it is.  The very thing that attracted them here is being destroyed by their very presence.  All this may seem intolerant of me.  But the Roman Empire fell for the same reasons.  Too few Romans to defend the realm, so they invite foreigners in, who eventually take over.  No more Roman Empire.  The same will happen to us.

This allows me to segue into something that I've written about before.  Back in the sixties, before Ted Kennedy got hold on it, the immigration policy was much different.  When his brother was president, the old immigration laws were effective- too effective for Ted.  One thing that they did in those days was to require aliens to register with the government.  Can you imagine such a thing today?  Not hardly.  Today, they are encouraging illegal aliens to come here.  These same immigrants will overturn the entire society in due time.  It is subversive, and it is too late to stop it.  The evidence is on the street.  The evidence is in the White House.  You could say that Ted Kennedy made Barak Obama possible.  Barak Obama will make possible some changes that will topple this country in due time.

"Tolerance" and "diversity" are the liberal buzzwords applicable here.  I wonder how many liberals would be in favor of these buzzwords if they really knew what was going on and what it meant?  A lot of the old timers moved out and the illegals moved in.  The liberals in the white enclaves probably think their world hasn't changed that much.  A good many of them probably think- or allowed themselves to be persuaded to think- that these changes are for the good.  What it means is their liberal world will be undone just as the rest is being undone by their foolishness.  The foolishness is in the lack of appreciation and understanding of their own culture.  Or it can be said to be Oikophobia.  Well, whatever you call it, it is cultural suicide.

Too many people are living in a Alice in Wonderland type bubble.  The left makes sure that you stay in your little bubble.  Kinda like the Matrix.  None of this stuff is real.  It is an image being presented to you in order to get you to accept what you wouldn't accept if you knew the truth.

The untruth of everything is pervasive, just like the Matrix.  If you want to know the truth, are you willing to swallow that pill like the one Morpheus offered Neo?  As Morpheus said in the movie, all I have to offer you is the truth.  In the end, the pervasive untruth can be uncovered like that pill.  The blue pill allows you to stay in the bubble, which is the comfortable illusion that currently exists, and the red one will be painful, but it show you the truth.  Which would you prefer?  The sad truth of the matter is that people probably prefer the lie.  They will prefer the bubble because the reality of everything will require them to act, and to think, which is the last thing that anybody wants to do.

If conservatives really want to oppose liberalism, they'd stop their own attempts to keep people in the bubble.  The most recent way to pop that bubble was that trillion dollar coin.  The liberals were just about foolish enough to do it.  But what saved them from their own foolishness was the conservatives who came out against it.  Why should conservatives be willing to prop up a false system?  The trillion dollar coin idea was said to be so bad because it would have caused a crisis of confidence in the dollar-the magic bubble words.  It is the dollar-and its illusion of value- which is the biggest illusion being presented today.  It props up the leftist socialist state.  The liberals can print all the money they need to subjugate us with the printing press.  How is striking a ridiculous trillion dollar coin any different?  Well, it shatters the illusion, the myth, that the dollar is worth something.  This was admitted openly.  You might have expected that admission to be revolutionary in itself, but it goes by unremarked.  Such is the depth of the illusion.  The right rejected the red pill of truth which was the trillion dollar coin.  Too painful to accept the truth, I gather.

The conservatives can't fight the liberals unless they are willing to swallow that red pill and accept the truth.  Otherwise, they are helping the liberals trap us into accepting our slavery.  They may make all kinds of efforts at the appearance of resistance, but without truth behind it, they are only helping the liberals maintain that unreal bubble that prevents an effective resistance.  Conservatives are just as much a part of that bubble as Mr. Smith was to the Matrix.

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