Monday, December 10, 2012

Of wolves and sheepdogs

Bill Whittle used to have a website called Eject! Eject! Eject!  He wrote a number of interesting posts and one of them that was quite memorable was called Tribes.

In that post, he mentions a Vietnam-Era colonel who said that there are three kinds of people-- wolves, sheep, and sheepdogs.  The wolves prey on the sheep mercilessly and the sheepdog protects the sheep from the wolves.

Now, we have had a presidential election in which the people, who are the sheep, get to choose who their leader will be.  Obama managed to convince people that he was the true sheepdog and that Romney was the wolf.  People believed it.  I don't buy it at all.  Obama is the wolf and I don't know about Romney.  Maybe they both are wolves.

The trouble with sheepdogs is that they look a lot like wolves.  So the sheep have a hard time identifying them.  A good disguise will fool the folks down home.  Obama has a good disguise and a good ally in the media that helps keep the disguise intact.  Benghazi blew that cover--- and what is so troubling is that the disguise worked in spite of that.  Romney is suspect because he didn't immediately recognize that Obama was the wolf and this Benghazi event outed him--- or he did recognize that, and refused to scream bloody murder about it.   Romney is at least somewhat complicit in maintaining Obama's disguise.  That's the most troubling thing.

We are in a lot of trouble.

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