Thursday, December 13, 2012

Mitsubishi Reports Toyota Replication [of Iwamura's LENR transmutation of elements]

New Energy Times via Free Republic

The physicist, Yasuhiro Iwamura, told the ANS audience that the Toyota researchers confirmed that nuclear changes from one element to another took place without the use of high-energy nuclear physics. Most scientists who have not followed this field closely consider such profound claims inconceivable. Toyota used a LENR deuterium-permeation transmutation method that Iwamura invented.


I've almost forgotten about cold fusion.  Despite all of the skepticism about cold fusion, there simply isn't explanation for why stories like this pop up from time to time.  There must be something there that is getting suppressed.  The powers that be just don't want to have their rice bowls overturned.


Walkerig said...

US President Obama passed a signing order to allow combined heat and electrical power production in Small Local Factory Units a couple of months ago

Andrea Rossi has stated his Leonardo corp are Building 3 x 1 MW test systems for a major company in the US. These are Small Local Factory Units heat and electrical power. They are due to go Live in ~2 months time. The Units are container sized.

Essentialy they allow creation of a localised distributed heat and power grid for the US. Making the US near power failure proof. The Container sized units are easy to replace too.

Leonardo Corp board includes US scientists from the DOD, and NASA as well the former assistant secretary of the DOE.

Other companies and countries are also in the race to Control the future of LENR/"Cold Fusion" including many major corporations who have been quietly researching and observing the the discoverys of others.

Read More here:

And Rossi's Leonardo Corp is just one of the companies now involved in LENR development Brillion and Rossi's former partner Defkalion as well as at least 5 other known corporations have been formed to create LENR products.

There is an open source science project called the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project at replicating Celini's research live on the net at Academic facilities round the world. Celini himself took his working proto-type to National Instruments this year it was toasted by the CEO of National Instruments.

There has been an LENR test rig running at MIT for 12 months now.

The Chief Scientist at NASA says it is real and Boeing are building an aircraft using it.

Over the last 12 months Oil companies have been selling off their Oil Fields Shell has sold most of its African Oil Fields as well as others in East Asia, BP has sold its Oil Fields in the North Sea, the US, Mexaco, Russia and the Arctic, Exon/Mobil and Petrobas ditto. They are all trying to do this under the radar in order not to be left selling in a declining market, Cononco took a loss of hundreds of millions in one oil fild rather than keep waht is now a soon to be worthless asset, Petrobas only just bought a US Refinery now they are desperat to dump it.

To reveal all this just use simple search of Google News for Shell "Oil Field" Divest or insert any other company you can think of, you can also change Divest to sell.

Nuclear and Green Power companies are also on a divestment and diversification strategy many, are shifting into totaly different markets, such home renovation and improvement.

Siemans Sold its Nuclear power plants and its solar and wind assets too. It is thought to now be developing LENR with Rossi.

Ditto St Microelectronics who in cahoots with Celini.

A Black Swan has flown into the old energy market and its name is LENR

Greg said...

Ian Walker:

Thanks very much for your views. Nice to know that somebody is out there reading this blog.

I don't know how this will be taken, but I found Rossi's demonstrations to be less than persuasive.

Nothing else he claims matters much to me until that clear and undeniable demonstration takes place.

Anything that Obama does is gravely suspect to me.

I wouldn't take heart in anything Obama does--- quite the contrary.