Sunday, December 9, 2012

How Corruption Is Strangling U.S. Innovation

Harvard Business Review via Free Republic


The corruption to which I am referring is the phenomenon of money in politics.


Ka-Ching!  That's it!

What in heavens sake is this crazy Texan referring to, you might wonder.  Well, what is the first reaction that you may have if you are a Republican?  It should be that this is a Democrat talking point and this is just a Democrat telling another one of their lies.  So, you are quite tempted in shutting down your thought process and ignore this article.  But that would be a mistake.  You must read this because it goes after the incumbents who stifle new ideas.  That's what's killing innovation.

And finally, if you were in any doubt how deep inside the political system the system of contributions have allowed incumbents to insert their hands, take a look at what happened when the Republican Study Committee released a paper pointing out some of the problems with the current copyright regime. The debate was stifled within 24 hours. And just for good measure, Rep Marsha Blackburn, whose district abuts Nashville and who received more money from the music industry than any other Republican congressional candidate, apparently had the author of the study, Derek Khanna, fired. Sure, debate around policy is important, but it's clearly not as important as raising campaign funds.  

Glenn Reynolds has been writing about the copyright thing continually.

It's all about money.  Republicans chasing campaign funds.  Limbaugh says that money is the mothers milk of politics.  They are dependent upon this for their power, or so they think.  So, they sell out for money.  Meanwhile, the Democrats run their money machine to buy votes.

Money is the root of this evil.  What do you do about it?

You don't do what the Democrats want.  They want publicly financed elections. No.  There has to be a better way.

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