Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A claim that may not hold up: Worlds Fastest RC Turbine Jet!

Ok, it may not be the fastest. I mean, I don't know. The reason I put this up is because I wanted to show how small this little sucker is and it is fast ( 200 mph).

Now, yesterday, I put up a butt load of videos that cluttered up my page. This may have led to some adverse viewer reaction, as my page hits went way down. Or maybe it was because of something else.

I didn't make the point that all of this technology could be standardized and miniaturized so that it can be made into something like this miniature. Not only that, it may be possible to fabricate all these parts and assemble them in your own garage. The parts could be fabricated with one of those 3D printer gizmos that I've seen around.

Just goes to show what may be possible in the future.

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