Sunday, April 15, 2012

Obama's Misleading Reagan Reference

Larry Kudlow
Just this past week, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said Obama's divisiveness is demoralizing to the economy and the country. And former General Electric CEO Jack Welch told me in an interview that Obama has taken a "divide-and-conquer approach, amassing a list of enemies that would make Richard Nixon proud."

Ronald Reagan's optimistic rising-tide-lifts-all-boats message was the direct opposite. For Obama to attempt to associate himself with Reagan is a demagogic falsehood of the worst kind.[ emphasis added]


Us v Them, the pathway to failure.  Or to victory, which is only good until the next time.  Not the same as getting solutions, which doesn't require victory over an enemy.  Or victory over a problem, not a person.

The "other" gets demonized and bashed, but the problem remains to be solved.

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