Friday, April 20, 2012

New Gallup Poll: The Obama Effect Is Wearing Off


  • In the heady days of 2008, starry-eyed pundits predicted that the election of Barack Obama would lead to a complete rehabilitation of America’s image in the world. 
  • Overall, confidence in the US fell 13 pionts in three years to 40 percent in Latin America. international community is nearly universally losing confidence in America’s leadership.
  • For the first time since Obama’s election, America has lost its position as the most respected major power, losing out to Germany
  • A strong economy and a well-ordered budget are signs of strength
  • Wealth, success and a solid financial foundation have a lot to do with how people regard you.

Obama is counting on fooling Americans in order to get reelected, but he hasn't fooled the rest of the world.

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