Friday, April 20, 2012

No More “Mr. Obama Is a Nice Guy”

robertringer columns Michelle Malkin

There is a reflexive desire among a certain species of moderate Republicans to be perceived as “civil” by liberal opponents who believe that the mere existence of free-market, limited-government conservatism is an indecent affront to humankind. All aboard the U.S.S. Lost Cause.

It looks to me like McCain was a fool.  He doesn't see politics as another form of war.  Malkin seems to understand.  Malkin wants Romney not to repeat that foolishness.

You need to have a very clear view of the enemy in order to win.  It is a war.  From the Art of War, every politician should "know your enemy" and "know yourself" as the keys to victory.  McCain didn't know the enemy and what the enemy was capable of.  

He thought the media would help him.  Instead, it trashed Palin and trashed him.

As for Obama, Malkin sees him clearly:
Let it be noted that Mr. “Nice Guy” never goes out of his way to show his opponents respect. In 2008, Obama openly bragged that his campaign strategy is: “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”

So much for being nice.  The enemy won't be.

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