Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I remember this one

I was thinking about it recently, yesterday, while listening to the Space Show, it reminded me to write about it.  It was this tendency of people to not like people who are unlike themselves.  Someone may ask, why do you equate what was said on the The Space Show with what Bill Whittle was talking about in his series "Tribes"?

On the Space Show yesterday, it was pointed out that the athletes may not like the geeks and vice versa.  And this space stuff is probably, and most likely seen as geeky.   Anyway, after some exposure to what they are doing, they get enthusiastic about science and engineering and some of them will go on to doing that as a career.  And I commented upon that yesterday and thought what a great thing that was.

This morning, while I took a walk, I begin thinking about this Tribes business again.  I may be pretty dumb about these things at times, so, sometimes it takes me awhile for me to catch on.   That's because this morning I noticed that my pageview count went down.  It was well up there (for this blog), but after posting a few artsy posts, which may be held in disdain by the athletic bunch, I may have lost some interest.  And vice versa.  You can't please everyone, but I am not trying to.

I tend to like artsy stuff, but I like sports too.  So, I am not trying to please everyone.  I am just doing what I like.  But the point is, why does this have to be a problem?  That is what I don't get.  But that's me.  And that's where this Tribes thing comes in.  In Whittle's essay, he writes about the Pinks and the Greys.   I think the athletes and the engineers would be the Greys.  I think the artists would be the Pinks.  And they don't always like each other much.  That could be a problem.

I am the kind of guy who can like the Pinks and the Greys.  And I liked the essay that Bill Whittle wrote, which he called Tribes.  But it wasn't always kind to the Pinks.  And Whittle thinks of himself as a Grey.  And me?  Definitely not Pink, but not always Grey.  Make sense of that if you can.

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