Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Intifada hurt Democrats by Don Surber

7:00 PM, 5/15/24:

Why has Biden betrayed Israel?

It is basically because the terrorist wing of the Communist Democrat Party have Slow Joe by the gonads.

Not to mention that the Commies in Red China have him bought off.

How many of his voters actually signed on to this bullshit? Or has the censorship hidden these facts from them, and they don't even know?

end update of 10:19 AM post:

10:19 AM:

Didn't Osama bin Laden say that Muslims love death? Then why are they complaining about "genocide"? Is it because Israel isn't doing enough killing? /sarc

Just for the record, there is no Israeli genocide of the so-called Palestinians. Also, the claim that they love death is bullshit, like so much of what they say.

end update of 5/2/24 post:

Yes, that's right. You can tell that it is hurting Democrats because only now do they act to put an end to it. If the Democrats had their way with censorship, nobody would know about this. Anybody who spoke out against it would be punished. Nobody knowing about it keeps them politically safe in their self-protective cocoons.

There's a lesson in this somewhere, donchya think??? Hint: It makes Democrats a hidebound group of nincompoops. They just don't get it.

Intifada hurt Democrats by Don Surber

Democrats are drinking the venom of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism.

Read on Substack

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