Monday, March 4, 2024

Stupor Tuesday coming up

The trouble with this political class is that it has an identity problem. Maybe they don't know which bathroom to use, or some such. Nikki Haley doesn't know which party she is in. The Democrats she seeks as voters don't know what party they are in either. There may be more votes for Nikki Haley ( or whatever her real name is) than there are for Corn Pop. As for Corn Pop, he doesn't know what state he is in. All the Democrats have to do is to nominate Haley as their standard bearer, and their troubles are over!

Haley is young enough. But she is one confused lass herself. Maybe someone should ask her pronouns, and see if she knows if she's a she or a he. ( or whatever ) To me, she seems to be a "tee hee", because she's something of a joke.

So there's this identity crisis amongst Americans these days. Too many don't know where they are, or who they are.

In that case, there is the GOP, which doesn't appear to be much better off. In fact, they seem worse. Here's a slam dunk of an opportunity to smoke the donkey's asses, but they seem more content with beating themselves than in beating the dead horse (or donkey). The nominee is set, but they don't support him truthfully. You have to drag them kicking and screaming back into defending their "principles" that they claim to care about so much. Or do they really have any principles at all? Perhaps they should use Alice Cooper's "School's Out" as their theme song. Something's is out for lunch, that's for sure.

This should be easy, but it is going to be a real contest of the blind leading the blind.

America is stumbling into this Tuesday, and the hope is some clarity emerges from the confusion. At the moment, it doesn't look promising, but I am always hopeful. Miracles do happen from time to time. America might finally wake up from the leftist nightmare.

The identity crisis is real. Will the real America please stand up? Or is that asking too much?

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