Sunday, March 3, 2024

The crisis ahead

Difficulties may represent opportunities in disguise. Therefore, one must accept them, and work to overcome them. Such is the case now since my move. Adjustments must be made. One of them is to adjust my routine for making posts for this blog. Instead of casting about the web for news to comment upon, I am left merely with my thoughts. Why not make posts of these instead?

For my access to the internet is now limited. That is, until I can find a better internet access, this situation must be adjusted so that I can continue posting. I'll run out of data all too soon, otherwise. I must limit my internet usage as a consequence, and cannot surf the web so much. Maybe that is not so bad, as mentioned.

Thus, I segue into the next point on my mind, which is the idea of "limited resources". This is a short-sighted mindset, not to mention, a false idea. However, it is a popular one, in which the political class has nutured and exploited to ill effect. I feel the need to expound upon why I am so deeply skeptical of this notion of limited resources, and far more hopeful about a future if only people would adjust their thinking. Resources are not limited. Why not? That's because resources don't actually get used up. Resources only change form. It is not economical, at present, to reconstitute these resources because of the scarcity of energy. With an abundance of energy, all resources can be reused again and again.

Consequently the truth, there is no such scarcity. There is only the scarcity of imagination and will to overcome these obstacles, and perversely mislead others that it cannot be overcome without great suffering and deprivation. But such suffering is not necessary unless there were a true shortage of resources. Such a shortage does not exist because the abundance of energy is available to us provided that we have the will to develop such resources. Such a will does not exist at present, and therefore it is likely that some suffering will occur because of that. That is a pity, for it is entirely unnecessary.

Where would the abundant energy come from? As mentioned many times before on this blog, molten-salt reactors were proven feasible over 50 years ago. However, these were not developed. Why not?

For the reasons given above. Polticians have nutured and exploited this notion of energy scarcity for all these years. They have thrown up barriers against the development of this energy source for all these decades, while preaching this false doctrine of limited resources. Now we are on the verge of another energy shortage, I suspect. Prices will rise again, as the lack of energy will entail the same limits to growth that these politician seek. The politicians seek these conditions in order to empower themselves. This not about serving the public, but enslaving the public using this false doctrine of limited growth due to limited resources.

But why would they do this? The question should be, why would they not? These same politicians have contrived a way to avoid any accountability for their malfeasance. They have befuddled the people, who are contantly misled into believing that the problems we face are being met with their goodwill, but that is not so. The problems we face are being met with ill will, for the politicians seek to exploit these conditions for their own benefit. This benefit occurs at the expense of others. Suffering must be the result.

There is so much claim at the perils of democracy these days. But if the politicians really cared about democracy, then why do they so often seek to avoid accountability? For the longest time, public opinion polls have said that America is on the wrong track. Yet they are re-elected again and again. How is this possible? It can only be possible because they have managed to befuddle the issues so much that accountability is almost impossible to determine.

It is not a partisan issue. The political class is the one constant in all of this. Why then should they avoid accountability unless the public allows it? But the public does allow it. This has to change if the problem is to be solved. As Einstein once said, the mind that created the problem cannot be the mind that solves it. Those who are creating this problem need to be defeated at the polls. If anybody really cared about Democracy, that can be the only solution that could be considered feasible. For the political class has failed us repeatedly. Change must come from a change in leadership. Yet the ones in power insist on continuing their hold on power. This is why there is no accountability.

The polls show a competitive race between the presumptive candidates for President of the United States. With such a consistent negative view of the track of the country, how can this President be returned to office for another term? But there he is. Something has to give, and it will. Hopefully, it will be the right thing. But there are no guarantees of that happening.

The oppotunities cut both ways. Either the enemies win, or they don't. It's up to a mostly disinterested and misled public to sort through the fog of contention to get to the other side, which we all hope to be a better day. We could end up in a worse state, as opposed to a better one. Therefore, a better solution would seem to be to correct the obvious things in front of us. Adoption of better ways of solving energy problems could be a start. For we wouldn't have this problem if we were properly led. Instead of proper leadership, we are being misled about this scarcity that need not be.

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