Thursday, February 29, 2024

Is this woman crazy?

Why is she still running? There are only a few ways she wins: 1) is with Democrat votes that won't be there in November, or 2) if Donald Trump gets booted off the ballot somehow, and she is the only alternative left. Either way, she loses. Even is she wins, there's nothing for the base GOP voter to look forward from her if she is ever in the White House. Odds are, she'll never get that far.

It's almost masochistic to keep running because her situation is hopeless. Nobody wants her, not even many of those who are voting for her now. The expectation must be that she and her supporters expect the GOP faithful to fall in line and vote for her if she gets the nomination. Or she is running to deliberately damage Donald Trump's chances. The latter is the only way she could be making a rational choice, in my opinion. I don't think that I'd vote for her in any case.

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