Friday, November 10, 2023

Upside down world

What kind of upside down world is it when muggers are treated better than the people who defend others from those muggers?

Note: You have to dig into the post a little to see the point being forwarded here. A "vigilante" stopped a mugger, but the so-called vigilante is the problem---not the mugger. That's modern day New York for ya, and how the Democrats favor the criminal class. They protect their own, and not YOU.

We have gangster government in office now, but the guy who wants to return the country to sanity is the problem. Same kind of thinking that leads to bad outcomes. But the rhetoric is about abortion. Mind you, if the rhetoric was actually correct, the abortion restrictions would be seen as rather mild, but instead, are portrayed as highly restrictive. The point being that those who claim to be supporting a more sane approach (the GOP), aren't really serious. If they were, they wouldn't have lost the recent elections. Instead, they'd rather do an Ann Coulter and blame pro-life people for losing the elections. They didn't even try to counter message the Democrat hyped up rhetoric.

The GOP Establishment treats Trump as the problem, but they aren't serious about winning. Even when they do win, they undermine themselves because they are not serious about winning and governing the nation. That's why there is so much leftist craziness going on. No serious opposition from the GOP.

The next election should be a slam dunk for the GOP and conservatism, but they are going to do their best to make it as meaningless as possible, or even lose altogether. When that happens, you'll get the standard Ann Coulter response. Blame the sane, and keep acting crazy. It's the modern upside down world for ya.

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