Thursday, November 9, 2023

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Who's the biggest jackass of them all? Is it Haley, Ramaswampy, or whoever ( see tweet below) ...

Some wise feller once said "Don't get into an argument with an idiot. Somebody watching may not be able to tell the difference."

A question was raised about how this changes the fundamentals of this race. Maybe it changes how the view is on the race to the bottom. Nobody distinguished themselves here as being serious. Anybody who watched this shitshow cannot be serious. I'm sorry to be commenting upon it. I wish I didn't have to see how stupid this all is.

Same source talked about the three takeaways of the debate. They should take away the whole thing and scrub it from the internet. It is an embarrassment for a party that seeks to do something (or ANYTHING) to oppose the Democrats in any meaningful way. The country is going to hell in a handbasket and this is what they want to use to sell themselves? These people are not serious.

It doesn't look like the current crop of GOP incumbents have a clue either. They are worried about a shutdown. The best news in years for this country would be a shutdown from now to the end of this congressional term. It would certainly help the nation's finances. A serious effort would require a shutdown, but these people aren't serious either.

update a little while later...

If Ramaswampydingdong thought felt way, then why participate in this "debate" at all?

end update

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