Thursday, November 9, 2023

Earl Campbell and Marvin Zindler

July 4, 1979

This was broadcast in the midst of the Luv Ya Blue Era of the Houston Oilers. Campbell was a star running back for the team, and Marvin Zindler was a TV personality. Zindler's fame was from the "Chicken Ranch" affair.

Now the thing about Zindler to me was his fastidious attention to neatness and order. He was the exact opposite to yours truly. When he came into a tire store that I was managing back at the time ( about this time, maybe a little after that time), he was worried about a scuff he gotten on one his tires. He was willing to replace it when I suppose most people wouldn't have given it a thought. That tire store I was at was like the Wild, Wild West. We even had a guy called "Wild Bill". He got his nickname from trying to take the lug nuts off a hubcap that had fake lug nuts built into it.

I didn't have anything to match what went on his Cadillac, and I sent him on to a place nearby that might have had a new tire that would match what he had just scuffed up a bit. I wanted no trouble with Marvin Zindler, I can tell you.

It may be an advantage to be so neat and everything, but it always seemed to me to be an affectation. If there was anything about Zindler, it was this affectation. If clothes makes the man, then I guess it's true. But it only does because people care more about the outside than what is on the inside. Not saying that there was anything wrong with Mr. Zindler as a man. Just saying you cannot always judge the book by its cover. But that is what people tend to do.

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