Thursday, December 28, 2023

Tails Linux USB with Persistence

12/28/23: Update of the post of 11/13/23:

A short blurb about this experiment. I've had some trouble with updating it. For some reason, the update won't work. It will download, but during the download, it failed. That's happened twice now.

Not only that, the thing is highly sensitive to touching. I barely touched it a couple times, and it crashed. The last crash was so bad, that I'm going to have do another install. Since time is short, I'll defer on that one until such time as is needed is available.

Using the system isn't too bad, but does require some adjustments. Even with "persistence", the thing doesn't seem to allow data to be accessible. But I haven't used it that much. Must be a trick to it. Even with that, it is definitely usable. Just keep in mind that nothing survives upon exit. Treat it that way, and adjust, it will be alright.

end update, the original post is directly below:

This is a long way from the USB install with Ubuntu in days gone by. The video is useful, and yes, it does work on this computer. Not without a fight, tho.

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