Tuesday, September 12, 2023

There's nothing new under the sun, so history repeats does it not?

This is a discussion of the Book of Revelation. It is the interpretation of the author of the video, who is Bruce Gore.

Basically, he's saying something quite definite here with regards to an event in the ancient past... That would be the fall of Jersusalem to the Romans in AD 70.

My reaction to it is this: is this not the same kind of thing that is happening today?

Every civilization that falls may react to it as if the world has come to an end. Why is America really any different from Jersusalem or Rome?

If our civilization does things wrong, then why expect anything else but ruin? Isn't that the same thing that has happened in the past? Not just once, but over and over again. Hard questions need to be asked. But what do we get? Censorship! Punishment for daring to ask the questions. People won't have the opportunity to see the errors and correct them. There can be no accountability, just a march to ruin.

Thus the question in the title... If there's nothing new under the sun, then could history in the process of repeating itself?

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