Friday, September 15, 2023

Romney goes. Good riddance.

Recent news has Senator Romney stepping down after this next election. There was an Atlantic piece on St. Romney, which I'd like to discuss. The discussion is really about the sucking up to the left that these guys love to do, as opposed to actually fighting the Democrats. Guys like Romney love to get their gold stars from the media for fighting the base of the GOP, who are responsible for putting guys like Romney in office in the first place.

In the Atlantic article, Romney comes off as being weak. He tried to run away when the Capitol riot began, and was shooed back in to where it was "safer". The danger from the riot was played up immensely by the left. None of those protesters were armed, and Romney wasn't in any real danger. The point I'm trying to make is that Romney wanted to run away, and was scared to face the protesters. Why not talk to them? Indeed, why didn't the GOP faction talk to the protesters? Why did they let themselves be herded like sheep? Is it because that's what they are? Sheep?

So St. Romney gets his gold star from the leftist media. He leaves with some parting shots for the people who put him into office in the first place. He says disparaging things about them to the enemedia. What a guy. What a hero.

Most of the GOP acts like Romney. They are scared of the left, and they'd rather fight the people who put them into office, as opposed to fighting the left. They want their gold stars. They are Mr and Mrs Goody Goody Two Shoes.

There was no "insurrection". There was no attempted "coup detat". The GOP, with its flaccidity, allowed themselves to be used by the hard left in accusing unarmed protesters of attempting to overthrow the government of the USA. This is a monstrous lie. Instead of defending the people who voted for them, they allow us to be smeared in such an ugly and unjust fashion. It's no wonder that there are so many people who are sick and tired of these so-called "leaders".

There are people who have been locked up for all this time, and who have been deprived of their rights. Others have been given draconian sentences for minor offenses. All the while, many were INVITED into the Capitol building by the police. People in the GOP like Romney are responsible for this travesty of justice. Sucking up to these monsters is no reason for accolades.

The Romney types need to go. There are way too many of them in the GOP.

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