Thursday, May 14, 2020

Obligatory, 5.10.20


Judge considering holding Michael Flynn in criminal contempt for perjury in connection with guilty plea


Count me as very surprised at this move by Judge Sullivan.

The original post...

Maybe it is boredom, but I did something earlier today that I don't usually do. I went to a lefty site.

It is the same one that I've mentioned before... It is a proxy for what the lefties are saying right now. As one might expect, they are attempting to make political hay with the Wuhan Virus. If it isn't the virus, it is the economic impact. Evidently, their plan is to run on the virus and/or the economy.

Besides that, there was the Flynn situation. There was a lot of dreaming there, in my opinion. The dream is that Judge Sullivan will actually ignore the DOJ request to drop the case, and actually sentence Flynn. Yep. That has to be a dream. Imagine that happening and the blowback that would occur from it. I don't think Sullivan would do that. But they don't believe that Sullivan will grant the withdrawal of a guilty plea. Based upon what I've been able to observe, Sullivan WOULD grant that motion. It would surprise me if he didn't. If Sullivan allows the guilty plea to be withdrawn, there can be no case now.

Overall, this site just looks like a tawdry political propaganda mill. There is no attempt whatsoever at looking at the other side of an issue. It is all rather one-sided. That is no way to run a government. But it is the way they would run a government if they got the chance.

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