Sunday, May 24, 2020

King Solomon's Scenario

Back in the days when Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn was still being taught in schools, there was something about that book that I recall, and that I want to share that may be relevant to what is happening today.

It is the Biblical story of King Solomon and the dispute over a child. Twain's book has Huck and Jim arguing about it. It seems that Jim didn't understand why King Solomon would want to chop the child in half in order to find out who the child really belonged to.

Huck's point was that the real mom didn't want her child to be killed so she gave up her child. Jim disagreed. He took King Solomon literally. With respect to our current situation, could we be taking the fearmongers too literally about this virus "pandemic" as Jim did in the book?

Does our situation really require a national lockdown? It seems that the Democrats would rather split the baby than to allow the other mother ( meaning the GOP ) to have it. The "baby" is power. It rule-or-ruin time for them. Splitting the baby means dividing the country into two over how to handle this situation. We should all agree upon basic principles. One of those is that the Constitution still applies. Nowhere in the Constitution does it grant anything like this kind of power unless you refer to the suspension of Habeus Corpus. This happened during the Civil War. Surely this situation isn't as dire as that.

Quite the charge now isn't it? But it makes sense given all the other things they have been doing. These jokers are considering another impeachment of the President. The little fecal show is supposed to impress all the folks back home. Why wouldn't they stir up a national panic in order to pave the way to a questionable victory? Why wouldn't they assume powers not intended and then try to take political advantage of that? Why not blame Trump for the loss of life and the destruction of the economy? If they can pull it off, why wouldn't they? They certainly have gotten away with a lot so far.

The thing that should impress people is that these people really don't have the welfare of the nation in mind. It is like the woman in the Biblical story mentioned in the novel. The woman would let the child die before she would allow the other woman to have the child. She cared nothing for the child. NY Gov. Cuomo forces infected patients upon nursing homes when he should have known that it was practically a death sentence for everybody in that situation. Why would he do such a thing, and why would the media make him out to be a hero?

If this theory is correct, then we've got a lot of bigger problems than what the virus appears to be. There's something a lot deeper going on. I do not take them literally when they say they care about people's lives. Not with what Cuomo did. I do not take them literally when they say there is a crisis that requires a national lockdown and a suspension of civil liberties. Not when so many people are likely not at risk of death from this virus. It kills mostly sick and ill people. Young and healthy people will be okay. That's not worthy of a national lockdown.

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