Saturday, November 9, 2019

Magic words may lose their power to cast spells


It seems that the impeachment warriors have some favorite words and phrases that they like to trot out when they are needed.  One of them is "truth".  Others are "democracy", "rule of law" and "nobody is above the law".  These words and phrases are like magical incantations which will bring them luck in the next election, or so they believe.

Do the words have power when there's nothing behind the words?

So here we have a pattern emerging with Blasey-Ford and Ciarmarella.   These two have scrubbed their media footprints before they launched their offensives.  Their defenders speak the magic words in order to cast their spells upon the public.  But there's a problem.

If truth is your objective, then why hide the truth?  Why do you need to scrub your past?

The tweet with the link below goes on to say that the Democrats may lose what credibility that they have left.  Hmm.  I wonder about that one.  Why should they have any credibility at all?   All of this has happened before.  Why doesn't the public wise up to these shenanigans?

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