Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Don Surber: Trump expands his base

Don Surber: Trump expands his base: Jonathan Chait of the New York magazine and Paul Bedard of the Washington Examiner are worlds apart politically. The former hates Presiden...


There's not a whole lot to write about impeachment anymore.  So, what does the election look like when it is one year out?

There was a comment which stated that the "public" polls are unreliable, but the internal polls were more reliable.  The comment also said that the internal polls were more expensive.

Could it be that the polls are unreliable because they are cheap?  Or that they are being used to make the news as opposed to reporting the news?  I think that the latter is a valid reason for inaccuracy.

The polls are useless if they have the sample sizes wrong.  This could be done "accidentally on purpose" in order to produce a desired result.  Those cases would be the ones that attempt to make the news.

Then there was the Rasmussen poll were recently stated that a certain percentage of Democrats tend to favor Trump more than other Democrats.  This could really skew the results.  How to determine the sample sizes?

I could see how an accurate poll could entail extensive research in order to get the sample sizes right, and therefore a meaningful result.  In other words, the polls should be taken with a grain of salt.

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