Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Hoisted on their own petard?

A few tidbits to start the morning.

AOC has outdone herself this time.  She says that the GOP forced FDR out of office with an amendment to the Constitution.  Just when you thought she couldn't get any dumber.  Reminds me of the joke that went like this:  Question: how can you be so stupid?  Ans. : Well, I got this fella helping me...

A second story has Joe Biden's spokesman saying that the metoo# movement is a bunch of liars.  Hey, Joe!  Who's the one who said that you gotta believe the women????

Unfortunately, people still vote for these buffoons.  Just when you thought it couldn't get worse, it gets worse.  Ohio may be joining the National Popular Vote Compact.  They are going to have a referendum.  Somehow, this does not reassure me very much.

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