Tuesday, April 2, 2019

What the new generations need

Back when I was a young whippersnapper, a friend of mine's dad said I should join the Corps of Cadets because it would "make a man out of you".

Well, that was then.  I didn't join the Aggie Corp of Cadets back then.  Should I have?  Whatever the case, I didn't.

These days, girls are let into the Corps.  Yep.  The traditions are going by the wayside.  We got a pajama boy culture now.

So, what do I think about my choices these days?  I am a bit like my friend's Dad, or maybe even more so.  Perhaps the younger generation needs Gunnery Sergeant Hartmann to tell the average Pyle character (we seem to be producing these days) this.

Some of those quotes are for the ages.  What a character in a movie.  What makes it so good is that it is so true.

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