Sunday, June 10, 2018

If the "newspaper of record" is "sophomoric", what does that say about us?

Ed Driscoll writes a piece that describes the New York Times as sophomoric.  A question I tend to have is what does it say about the larger society in which we live?  Is it not true that our entire culture is running downhill?  It isn't just journalism. 

I read recently that there is a movement on to require "diversity" in the hard sciences.  The hard sciences has been resistant to the cultural rot, but even that is succumbing to the idiocy of political correctness.  It will no longer matter as to the quality of one's research.  No, what will matter is who does it.  This has nothing to do with the truth of the matter under study.

Pretty soon we will all do our science based upon political correctness.  Imagine what kind of science that would be.  No, you don't have to imagine.  Because it already is true.  That is what AGW is all about.  It isn't science.  It is fake science.

If an entire culture can be corrupted like this, then collapse is not far away.  Bridges could collapse because nobody knows how to do the math.

Think I am kidding?

Our culture reached a peak in the sixties.  You can see it in the GDP per capita in terms of gold.  It reached a peak then, and has not returned.  You can see it in the lack of material progress.  The failure to follow up the moon landings.  The failure to win wars.  Inflation.  The continued degradation in morality and virtue.  The utter lack of seriousness in the popular culture.  The 911 attacks.

Sophomoric is not too harsh a word.  Perhaps something worse could be said.  Not that anybody would listen.

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