Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Erik Erikson: Never Trumper in Trump land

Erikson claims to be a Republican.  He probably claims to be a conservative.  However, how can he say this if he quotes this from a GOP House member, who is blaming his expected defeat upon Trump?

The link is from Gateway pundit, btw.

My recollection is that during 2016, these same bozos were claiming that Hillary would win 40 states, and that they would lose both houses of Congress.  Neither of these outcomes resulted.

Instead, the worse thing happened for these people, who never wanted Trump in the first place.  They are happy to lose if that means they can stay in the minority, kiss up to the left, and pretend they oppose the Dems.   That's why this clown, who pretends to be a Republican, talks like a Democrat, and may as well be one.

He is losing because everybody can see he is lying sack of shit.  Even the liberals hate his sorry ass, because he is a "coward".

Better for us to lose these jerks because we're better off without them.  Fire Mueller's ass!  Do the right thing and face the consequences, dammit.

Incidentally, the best way to keep his seat would be to defend Trump.  They don't want to win.

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