Monday, December 25, 2017

Turn out the lights, the party is over...

Update, 12.25.17:

Yep.  By the time I got up, it was 48 in my hidey hole.  It was so cold in the trailer, that my pee was steaming.  Never had that happen before!

Last night, the low was about 28 degree F.  So, my hidey hole was doing some good, anywho.

The sleeping bag is a winner.  I can keep reasonably warm to 48, or perhaps a little below.

If it gets much colder this winter, I am going to have to do something.

Fixing that electrical problem is a problem unless I hire an electrician.  But that costs money.

Well, this is a fine fix I got myself into.  Wtf.

The original post follows:

Back at it again.  Cannot sleep, so I guess I will write.

Call this an experiment born by necessity.  It seems I have an electrical problem.  Since I am not an electrician, I don't know what the issue is.  I can guess, but the guess could be wrong.  For whatever reason, when I try turning on the lights, they dim and even go out.

And so I tried to warm up the place with my heated up water.  That is the experiment.  (Running out of ideas, ya'll. )  It didn't occur to me that the battery is being charged too, and so that worked until about 10 pm.  The water had gotten cold already, so it wasn't adding much heat to the joint.  The little pump was barely working cuz no juice.

So, here I am trying to stay warm.  It is not too bad.  The computer, by the way, is powered by solar.  This is what I have left to me in electrical power at the moment.  That doesn't work worth a flip, either, but for the moment, I have some juice there.

I am in a sleeping bag.  It is just under 60 degrees F, and it is near freezing outside.  Feels cold, though.  Anyway, the sleeping bag is warm enough.  It will stay warm until it gets about 45 or so.  By that time, it may be time to get up.

I bought an electric blanket earlier this week.  But it says don't use it with an inverter.  Psst.  I'm going to try it anyway.  It is a pure sine wave inverter, so it should be okay.  But, the battery cannot handle it for long.  I may not try it tonight.

Well, it is all very interesting.  I can keep warm by running the stove, if I want to go there.  However, I won't be doing that tonight.

One thing is certain.  I gotta fix that electrical problem.  This ain't worth a flip.  By the way Merry Xmas.

Wouldn't want to "offend" anybody by using the full word for you know what.  It might bother those people who were embarrassed by Judge Moore.

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