Sunday, December 24, 2017

Tank has run dry

Mark Twain once discussed his tank method of writing.  Once the creative juices run dry, he set it aside and did other things.  After a period of time, the tank fills up again, and he can write.

I am wondering if my tank is dry.  Blogging has been light and it is getting worse.  Once upon a time, I was putting up nearly 20 posts a day.  Now, I go days at a time without a post at all.  The tank is dry, it seems.

Or is there another explanation?

One other possibility is that my efforts are not appreciated, it seems.  After all those posts, it just doesn't seem to make a dent in the audience numbers.  Nobody seems to be paying attention, so why bother?  The effort has not paid off.

It could be both of those in combination.  A real one-two punch.

Well, as far as this post is concerned, I could mention the news.  It is not worth mentioning, though.  Some real news could have been a Moore victory and the defeat of the corporate tax cut.  Now, that would have been something.  What we got instead is more of the same junk that we always get.

People complain about things being on the wrong track, yet they keep doing the things that make things go the way they go.  Why not try something different?  Nope, it has to be the same old thing.

As far as the situation being on the wrong track, one thing does appear to be better than before.  That is, if you think that the terms of the unity is a positive thing.  The GOP seems happy and united for a change.  They get their corporate tax cut, and now they are really happy.  Who knows why.  Corporations may get favored treatment from GOP types, but the corporations tend to not reciprocate.  The big corporations are decidedly lefty affairs.  The GOP gets the bad press, and the lefties and their corporate pals laugh all the way to the bank.  Why the GOP thinks this is a good thing for them is hard for me to understand.  Maybe I am dumb, who knows?

I have tended to think too highly of others, though.  As someone once said, there's a sucker born every minute.  Another one said, that nobody went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.  A tendency of mine to think too highly of people leads me to these undesired outcomes, where I spend my time and effort trying to make a point with people who stubbornly refuse to get it.

Not much I can do about that.  Just for me to realize that people are just nuts and/or stupid.  It ain't me, but I never really believed that anyway.

Yeah, the tank runs dry, and insulting people who you want to convince is just not good human relations.  Well, to let you in on a secret, I never was really very good at that either.

Nope, won't be kissing anybody's butt here.  Frankly a lot of you people could use a real ass kicking.  But it won't be me giving it to you.  You'll get it alright.  From the same people that you foolishly trust.

If you call me dumb for saying that, maybe you ought to reconsider.  But you people will never learn.

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