Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Sobering reflections

Just spent a little time reviewing what I did out on my property last year.  Left Houston on the sixth of April, and came back on the seventeenth.  That is twelve days.

Two days for travel.  Several other days were lost, too.  The whole first day was lost because of unanticipated problems.  It was like that the whole time.

By the way, this computer sucks.  I just wrote several paragraphs and this thing just deleted it out.  I don't know why it does that.  Whoever designed this thing needs their heads examined.  It is a piece of shit.

Anyway, I spent twelve days out there, and it was a struggle to get things done.  Mostly, it was the weather.  It was unpredictable, and there's no weather service out there.  You could have a weather event on you before you know it.

One thing you don't want is get caught out there and it rains really hard.  You could get stuck for awhile waiting for it to dry out.

Secondly, the roads are really slick when it rains.  That mud is slick.  There are deep ruts on both sides of the road in many spots.  If you go off into that rut, your chances of getting out of it without a lot of expensive help aren't good.

I was really cautious out there, and it paid off.  It may have taken twelve days to get up a shack that didn't last, but at least I got home in one piece.  It could have been a lot worse.

What does it all mean?  Should I give up?  No.  Just have modest goals and plenty of time to achieve them.  Give yourself plenty of leeway.  Leave a lot of room for errors, while keeping errors to a minimum.  Mistakes are very costly to correct.

I should move out to El Paso into an apartment first.  Then go out there on a frequent basis laying the groundwork so to speak.  There's a lot to do before I even start building anything out there.

Hopefully in six months, there can be a structure into which I can move in.

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