Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Lite posting

Yes, I know I haven't been posting much.  Even though I am busy, I suppose I could post more.  Yet, I don't.  Why?

I don't know if it is burnout.  Maybe it is because I am repeating  myself, and to do so doesn't add anything new.

It seems to be a pattern in this society.  Here we have a solution for a problem, but there is this stubborn and perverse resistance towards accepting it, and implementing it.

An example is the molten-salt reactor.  Yes, I am repeating myself.  That's what I just mentioned.  All kinds of excuses are made for not implementing this technology.  It is over forty years old, for crying out loud.  The fact that it hasn't been implemented ought to tell you something about what has gone wrong.

No, there's nothing wrong with the tech.  Even so-called green energy solutions are using molten-salts in order to store solar energy so as to make electricity later.  If it can work for solar, it can work for nuclear.  The sun itself is a nuclear energy source, in case you didn't know.

There's just too many people in denial that there's something wrong when a perfectly good technology is not being implemented.  Nuclear energy is the only solution that we know of that could solve our energy problems.  Sorry, wind and solar will never do it no matter how efficient you make it.  Of course, there is fossil fuels, which have some objections that seem unreasonable to me.  However, no matter how advanced fossil fuel extraction may become, it still has to compete with Saudi oil, which is currently the cheapest energy alternative.  Nuclear energy, especially molten-salt tech, will be able to compete, IF IT IS ALLOWED TO.

But this post isn't about energy per se.  We have a presidential election in which both parties seem to have  problem accepting an outcome.  It is for different reasons, yet the reasons are the same after all.

Take Trump, for instance.  The GOP won't accept him even though he can win.  Does that mean that they would rather lose?  Does that mean that they would rather suffer through even more of the failed policies that are now being implemented?  Trump won't solve these problems?  Maybe not, but the GOP controls both houses, and yet they don't seem to want to take on Obama.  It would seem that you would rather have a guy that will take some action as opposed to people who are seemingly afraid to do anything at all.  If you ask me, those who say they are unhappy don't act like it.  If you are unhappy with something, YOU CHANGE IT.  You don't keep on doing the same old thing.

On the Democrat side, you have a guy like Sanders who draws the crowds.  Then you have the old guard, represented by Hillary, who is leading the race.  It seems like the same problem as the GOP side.  The people are ignored in favor of what the old guard wants, when the old guard has failed to solve any problems.  Yes, the old guard not only fails to solve problems, but perversely would rather not even make the attempt.

Maybe this ought to state the case why words fail in a time like this.  If you cannot admit to yourself that there is a problem, you won't do anything to address it.  There are way too many people like that in this society.  They seem to think that there's nothing wrong, even though polls have consistently said that there is.

Either you are going to address the issues, or you aren't.

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