Sunday, May 22, 2016

World's First NUCLEAR SALT REACTOR - Documentary Films

A lot of this has already been covered in prior videos.  There is something new, however, in the part where the people who inherited all of the research materials literally didn't know what they had, and were burning the books.  Yes, burning the books.  This is what happened to the Great Library at Alexandria in ancient times.  That something like this could happen in modern times is a troubling thing indeed.  A lot of the scientists who worked on the molten-salt reactor are very old, or dead by now.  Destroying their work meant that nobody could go forward with it, even if it were to be finally understood as being very valuable.  It is literally destroying hope for the future.

Fortunately, it has been caught in time.  Unfortunately, it is still not appreciated for its potential to solve many of our modern problems.

Will people ever learn?

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