Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Charges of racism is the new McCarthyism

A simple analogy can be made when reading history, and applying those lessons to current events.  During the fifties, amidst the red scare, the charge of communism could be used for political advantage against those who tended to sympathize with the left.  Not all those charges were just, as Mc Carthy got caught exagerrating stories of communist infiltration.  These days, the reverse seems to be happening, as the left will charge just about anybody on the right as being racist.  There has not been that moment on TV, when everybody knew the charges were unjust, but perhaps the day will come soon.

Just because Donald Trump worries some on the left, they are charging him with racism.  It is a pretty big stretch to call somebody a racist just because he disagrees with you, and stands a good chance of winning the presidency.  Perhaps the left are more worried about losing political power than in correcting any injustice.  Nothing is unjust about guarding our borders, nor in keeping out terrorists.

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