Thursday, October 8, 2015

Obligatory, 10.8.15; What's going on?

The world is probably headed for a single government of some kind.  The impetus is coming from several directions.
  • The so-called right wing wants a world united in capitalistic corporatism
  • The left wants what it couldn't take during the Cold War.  For communism to succeed, it must be world wide.  ( That's so nobody can realize how bad off they are since comparisons can't be made. )
  • Muslims want to impose sharia on the entire world.
  • China has believed that it is the "Middle Kingdom" that has dominated the world in the past and will do so once again.
The key country involved in this struggle is the United States.  Whoever controls the United States will control the world.  Currently, there is a leftist president in the United States, and an attempted bloodless coup is underway.  The struggle over guns is necessary for the left.  If the Americans can be disarmed, nothing will stand in their way.  They are very close to success.

Supposedly stopping this is the so-called right.  Embedded within the conservatives are the globalists who want to incorporate the entire world.  Their goals are hardly much different from the left, but the difference is that they pretend to defend traditional American values.  Their calculus is that they can buy off the opposition, but a miscalculation could backfire.  It could backfire since their bribery is only funding the enemy and making him stronger.  If they truly supported traditional American values, they would support a smaller government and more self-reliance amongst the public.

Big government is supported by the left because it is their pathway to power.  But the left needs help, and is appealing to hostile forces against the West in order to carry out their plans.

Islam is needed in order to destabilize nations.  If nuclear energy had been adopted in the seventies, with the molten-salt reactor, Islam would still be a backwater region of the world.  Now it is a major player and growing stronger through the reliance upon their oil.  The globalists believe they can "win hearts and minds" with bribery, but this won't work amongst the fanatics.  The rise of Islam only proves the fallacy of globalism.  The left will block nuclear energy because they know full well this fact.  They know the end of the oil addiction will end any help they could get from the Islamists.

The same old tired tactic has been applied to China.  Supposedly, if China could prosper, and become rich, they would drop their communism.  This really hasn't happened yet, nor is it likely.  Another spectacular failure of the globalists.  It ignores history, as China gets stronger, its nationalist pride will begin showing.

Globalism is stirring up this witches' brew throughout the world.  As the world seemingly gets richer, it also gets more unstable.  A major war could erupt at any time.  The pact with Iran underscores the failure.  As Iran gets the bomb, as it most certainly will, a nuclear war is all but inevitable.  Evidently, the globalists believe they can bribe the Iranians.  Make them rich, and they will become peaceful.  Except for one thing--- they really do believe in their Prophet.  The globalists, who believe in nothing, are mistaken that the whole world thinks as they do.

The so-called right needs to separate itself from the globalists.  If they can, they can become a real opposition to them and perhaps we can avoid the slide into world war.

We can avoid it through a realistic assessment of the enemy.  The enemy cannot be bought off.  It must be defeated.  It can be defeated the same way the Soviet Union was defeated--- without a shot.  Through the same method that Reagan won the Cold War.  Master the oil problem and attain military superiority across the board.

Unless the so-called right gets a clue, we are sunk.


I think that it explains the Trump phenomenon, too.  The global-corporate interests don't like Trump because he cannot be controlled easily.   Trump may be the only hope the conservatives have, yet they don't seem to recognize it.

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