Wednesday, November 19, 2014

How the Counter Culture of the Sixties Became Mainstream

According to the Wikipedia, the Counter Culture of the Sixties grew

from a confluence of people, events, issues, circumstances, and technological developments which served as intellectual and social catalysts for exceptionally rapid change during the era.
It was a small movement, especially at first.  I can attest to that, having grown up during the period.  How did it get so big?  How did it consume this society as it has?  In sum, how did we get a president who really isn't of our culture and seeks to overthrow it?

To answer that question, it may be useful to see how a commodity is marketed.  Yes, the Counter Culture may well have been marketed like a product to the rest of us.

Recently, there was a post on the blog by Ann Barnhardt on the subject of diamonds.  She pointed to an Atlantic article that basically said that diamonds really aren't worth anything, that people were conned into thinking that they there were, and subsequently spent fortunes for them.  It was a completely manufactured value.  This technique succeeded with even very traditional places like Japan.  The power of these marketing people to lead others away from one mode of being to another is something to behold.  In Japan, diamonds were definitely not a part of their courtship processes.  Somehow, it became so.  That somehow was achieved through a rather slick advertising and marketing regime.

It also worked in the United States, as you may well know.  That is, the marketing campaign with diamonds.  But it can also work in selling other worthless things like progressivism.

If you can take something that hasn't much value and make people put their hard earned money into it, then why can't you change an entire culture into something else entirely?

One thing that is certain about left wing politics.  It has had a brilliant string of political successes.  But that hasn't been accompanied by economic ones.  Somehow, as in Japan, traditional cultures in the West had to give up their guns and religion in order to embrace the new order that was envisioned for us.

That new order has succeeded brilliantly in the political sphere, but meanwhile, the United States is undeniably slipping economically.  Not to mention the culture as well.  But it could well be the culture that produced the politics that produced the poor economic performance we are witnessing.  It is the Counter Culture that has put such notions as Limits to Growth, Environmentalism, and Same Sex Marriage into the mainstream.

None of these toxic ideas were ever part of the mainstream before.  They had to be sold to us.

The current rage is same sex marriage.  But it isn't a democratic movement.  It is coming from the top of the culture, through the court system.

It is ironic that the Counter Culture that rebelled against the Establishment themselves are now the Establishment that wishes to impose their ideas of morality and culture upon the rest of us.  Something rather dramatic had to occur to bring this about.  That drama had to take place at the top of the society and had to filter on down to the rest.  So, it took a long time, like it took in marketing an otherwise worthless commodity like diamonds.

Men aren't ruled by virtue, nor truth; but by vice and the lies that support it.

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