Monday, September 8, 2014

The three ways of relating to each other

I remember reading this on Eternity Road (blog).  Let me paraphrase it:  You want something from me, and to this I can respond in one of three ways
  1. If I love you, I just give it to you out of love, or
  2. If I don't love you, or even like you, I can give it to you in trade for something else, or
  3. I can be forced into giving it to you out of fear of bodily harm or death.
Assuming this is correct, then what do you make of the liberals claiming to be champions of the little guy?

Do they give you what you want out of love for you?

I think not.  They give what they want you to have, not what you want, but what they think you need.  Incidentally, the liberals don't "give" anything.  They expropriate it from others and then give it to those from whom they want political support.  Which means it is more like number two in the list above.  As for the third possibility, we are not at that point, but some day we might be.  In that case, the liberals will probably flee.

Let's put it another way.  The liberals aren't giving anything out of love for the little guy.  They love themselves too much for that.  If it were true love for the common man, they would give up all of their worldly possessions and give it all away in service to the poor.  Nope.  They don't do that.  What they want is a trade--- they want your political support in exchange for all the free stuff.

Most folks will vote for this, too.  But it is an unthinking vote.  What good does it do you to receive something this way?  Wouldn't you rather earn what you get as opposed to having it given to you?  Besides, the "gift" is no gift at all.  It always comes with strings attached.  The left gets to do what they want as a condition of the trade for the political power that they bribe from people.  That includes destroying the very foundation of society to which the people have come to depend upon and take for granted.  Once that goes away, the people are in a desperate spot.  When that time arrives, the left will high tail it out of town, for they have done these things not because they love people, but because they are more interested in serving themselves at other's expense than in being of service to those they claim to love so much.

What makes a country and what destroys it?  Let's see what made this country.  Look at the final sentence in the Declaration of Independence:
And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
You are in service to your country if you are willing to do what that sentence said.  So, this country was born and it lived.

If you are in service to yourself, as the liberals are, and unfortunately like some others in prominent places seem to be, you will lose your country.  Limbaugh did say "we've lost the country".  He may want to look in the mirror a little more closely for the reason why this is happening.

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