Sunday, June 1, 2014

Internet addiction

After all those posts about going off the grid, I started to think about what it would be like to live like that.

There'd have to be a change in behavior.  One change would have to be this internet addiction that I have.  Boy, my whole life is this thing.  Aside from working, all my time is spent on the web looking around.  Sure, it may have given me the idea to go off the grid, but it may have paralyzed me into not doing anything about it.  I'm not moving, I'm only thinking.  At some point, you've got to get moving.

It may be best to think it all through very carefully, though.  Even so, after I start that thing, these marathon sessions in front of the computer will have to come to an end.  That would mean much less posting on this site.  Something tells me that this would be a much tougher job than it appears to be at present.  Call it Murphy's Law.  Things are much harder than you think and take much longer than you think.  Let's just say that's a corollary to the Law.

If it's a true addiction, then it may be really, really hard to give it up.

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