Friday, April 25, 2014

Articles: Vladimir Putin Caesar and Our Great Geo-political Turning Point

Articles: Vladimir Putin Caesar and Our Great Geo-political Turning Point

...the West is a gift that keeps on giving insofar as this goes. Our cultural Marxists are on the march, smell blood and will not stop. They will continue spending us into oblivion, perverting us into prone position, relativizing us into risibility and “immigrationizing” us into irrelevance. Even now, not satisfied with placing another great nail in marriage’s coffin, our militant secularists are making moves to legitimize pedophilia and bestiality. It’s onward Luciferian soldiers.

And for Putin, it’s onward Christian soldier
.---Selwyn Duke

Is there any way to stop our own fall and restore what we once had?

Not impossible, but not likely unless something really drastic occurs and soon.

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