Friday, December 27, 2013

Phil Robertson, Gramsci, and Tolerance

American Thinker

If you don't know who Gramsci was, this is a nice introduction.

Also explains Alinsky, if you were wondering about that person as well.

There's not much excuse for ignorance even if the so-called educational system doesn't do its job.  You can google these names and get all the information that you could want.

Yet the ignorance is out there anyway.  In fact, I think much of the left's power depends upon the ignorance of people, in which they try to enforce with their political correctness.

In this case, it is failing.  As long as controversy continues, people can inform themselves and learn about what they are doing and how they do it.  This can't be good for the leftists.  They need people to remain fat, dumb, and happy.

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