Tuesday, December 24, 2013

June 25th, 2012: Today Marks the 50th Anniversary of the Prayer Ban in Public Schools (& Here’s the History)

the blaze

The reason I'm citing this was the recent overturning of the Utah ban on same sex marriage.  If there's a poll amongst the people of Utah, it would probably be fairly substantial majority against same sex marriage.  Yet an Obama appointed liberal judge struck down the law of that state.

This is how it starts.  An argument is made that seems plausible and then is backed up back coercive power of the state in opposition to public opinion.  You can compare this Utah situation to what happened in Supreme Court decision in 1962, which banned prayer in public school, hence:

The decision, the first in which the Supreme Court had ruled unconstitutional public school sponsorship of religion, was unpopular with a broad segment of the American public.

These kind of moves are what's being imposed upon us from the ruling class.  They are not the majority.

The left is now getting into control of our culture, but even now, they have not won.  They seek to win with moves like the one in Utah and in the Supreme Court 50 years ago.

They do it with plausible arguments and coercion.  But the arguments, while plausible, are not necessarily correct.  In any event, if they are imposed upon an unwilling populace, you have to ask the question of what kind of government permits this?  Whatever it is, it isn't democratic.

The left can make some tricky arguments.  Ace discusses how one of those are being made in the Duck Dynasty flap.  But the left's arguments, like everything they do, are always self-serving.  The left exists for self-aggrandizement.  We are the ones who end up paying for it.  You can't trust the left, their seemingly plausible arguments notwithstanding.  Their arguments may seem to be based upon principle, but the left is generally not interested in principles---but rather, their own advantage.  The Duck Dynasty flap, plus history shows why and how.

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