Friday, September 13, 2013

Bait and switch politics

Something smells about the Syria coverage.  Take a look at Instapundit.  He's got a meter for each post that tells how popular it is.  The posts that are critical of Obama's Syria policies are the most popular now.  The one about the IRS scandal is not.

Remember all of Obama's scandals?  Chances are that the popularity indicator is showing the effect of the Syria coverage, which has taken the scandals off the news radar.  But it turns out that there's still news being made, but everybody is still focused on Syria.

Obama has gotten what he wanted, which was to get the 'phony' scandals off the news.  The Syria coverage seems bad for Obama, but he seems to have gotten at least this one thing he had to have wanted out of it.  As for his seemingly failed policies regarding Syria, he can spin that to make it seem successful, while ramping up the politics of it.  It trivializes the real governance types of problems, as with the scandals, while ginning up the false narrative of hyper partisanship.  The false narrative will be that the criticism of the Syria policy objective that can be spun as a success- he did get the situation he claimed he wanted with respect to the use of WMD.  The real problem is that the scandals have not been redressed.  The IRS is still engaged in partisan politics because they are still harassing conservatives.  Nothing is being done about this.

We are being scammed.  But who's responsible for this?  Has Obama really outsmarted everybody this badly?

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