Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Tax Deal Is The Road To Serfdom

Jeff Carter, pointsandfigures

  • When are we going to stop demonizing people that are successful?
  • Spending isn’t going to go down in this country and right now we are on the Road to Serfdom.
  • the middle class got snookered. They will ultimately pay the higher tax rates but they won’t notice it on their tax bill
  • Interest rates are being held artificially low at 0%. Why is that artificial? Because it doesn’t reflect the true cost of money.
  • Here are my fiscal projection for 2013.
    The tax hikes will generate less revenue than the projection.
    Government debt will increase at a greater marginal rate than it has in the past, and become a greater percentage of GDP.


Here's another case of where Romney screwed up.  He didn't even mention the "fiscal cliff".  This phony crisis was foisted upon the public as soon as Obama was safely re-elected.  There was no consent of the governed.  The fiscal cliff negotiations were Kabuki theater.  So were the 2011 debt negotiations which made this fiscal cliff scenario possible.

Second observation:  the Republicans are badly divided.  For 80 (or so) Republicans to vote for this thing in the House was an indication that they can't  ( or won't) offer any meaningful opposition to the Democrats.  It's the me-too party---not an opposition party.  That was fast.  That prediction came true on the first day of the new year.

Third observation:  the real force governing this country is based upon the media and big government.  Too many people have been trained to think in terms of Keynesian economics.  These people make up a majority who keep dutifully voting for what doesn't work---because they've been trained to.  The media reinforces what has been drilled into the heads of the public at the big government schools.  It is so bad that that the potential opposition party is infected with this dysfuntional philosophy and can't or won't offer an alternative.  Thus, they accept the premises of the left and the conclusion follows inescapably.

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