Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas. ( Hah, bunhug)

There are going to be those out there, though few that they are, who will think I've been partaking a little much of the old eggnog.  But no.  There's a lot of thoughts swimming around in my head and I can't focus on one of them for very. Long. ( yes, I added the "Long" in later.  I forgot to finish the sentence.) The confusion is just that, not drunkenness.

So, with all the confusion and such, I will post something of a stream of consciousness type post again.  What the heck, huh?

Perhaps adding to the confusion is the cold that I've got.  It's disgusting with all this snot.  I'm sure you appreciated that comment.

One thought that recurs from time to time in my confusion is the Amish.  They are perfect Liberals.  They are pacifist, hate guns, and are completely unreasonable about everything.  Their elders want everybody to follow their rules with unquestioning obedience.  If you dare question anything, they will punish you severely.  Yep, perfect Liberals.  I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the left admired them.  Only negative thing in that regard is that they believe in God, or they believe that they believe in God.  The God part is a big no-no with Libs.  For the Libs, the state is God.  And they are the heads of state, which makes them God.

If the Left could rain fire and brimstone on the Right, they'd do it.  Pacifist and peaceable though they may claim to be.

Who's the master and who is the servant?  Is my confusion the beginning of wisdom?  Am I full of crap?

Whatever.  I have some thoughts that are so dangerous that I worry about disclosing them.  Well, maybe not dangerous.   I worry about too much self-disclosure.  Perhaps I shouldn't worry about that.  Did you realize how much surveillance we are under constantly?   Our cell phones can spy on us.  Our computers can spy on us.  Google Earth can spy on us.  We've long had no privacy in financial transactions.   There's no privacy anymore.  Self-disclosure is one of the few areas that you can maintain our own little area of privacy.  Giving that away too gives pause.

But here goes anyway.  I worry about this push to probe into your psychology in order to determine if you are fit to own a firearm.  If you probe far enough into a person, you may find a pathology of some kind or another.  I fear that probe if it were to be applied to myself.  And having found a problem, that the government could take away my freedoms on the basis of it.  You see, the government shouldn't be allowed to decide something like that- arbitrarily.   Our Founding Fathers tried to put some separation between the people and the state.  For example, trial by jury.   I don't want to empower the state any further than it is empowered already.  If people are to be denied access to guns by reasons of mental incompetence, that should be something that is decided in a trial by jury.

I guess that's enough for one post.  I'll pick it up again later.

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