Saturday, December 29, 2012

Agreement within reach on ‘fiscal cliff’ deal, officials say

Washington Post

  • Threading all the legislative needles now falls to Reid and McConnell, who pledged to work together to craft a package that can win significant bipartisan support.
  • the wheels are now in motion for the Senate to vote on New Year’s Eve, Senate aides said. If that vote were successful, the Republican-controlled House would have mere hours to decide whether to approve the legislation or take the blame for letting taxes rise next month for nearly 90 percent of Americans — and for potentially sparking a new recession.
  • retiring Rep. Steven C. LaTourette (R-Ohio), a close friend of Boehner’s and a champion of a broad deal, said he could offer his support for a limited deal if the speaker requested it.

Pure politics.  The Republicans want spending cuts and they aren't going to get them.  It's like Obama said to Boner--- "you get nothing".  Thus, its all or nothing as far as the Democrats are concerned.  The blame will be cast upon the Republicans if they don't cave.

There shouldn't have been any negotiations to begin with.  It was a mistake.  The Republicans have already approved an extension of the Bush Tax Cuts.  The Senate is now going to take it down to the wire in order to ramp up the pressure for a cave-in.

Why is McConnell dealing with Reid?  He is the Senate's version of the Boner.

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