Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas in an Anti-Christian Age

Pat Buchanan, Townhall

Christians believe Christ could raise people from the dead because he is God. That is faith. Atheists believe life came out of non-life. That, too, is faith. They believe in what their god, science, cannot demonstrate, replicate or prove. They believe in miracles but cannot identify, produce or describe the miracle worker.

Mostly agree with that quote.

But the atheists don't claim science as their god.  Maybe scientists can be their gods, especially leftist ones. That may be a bit facetious, but not too far off the mark in the real world of leftist states.  As I've heard it described elsewhere, but somewhat differently than this, the left "worships the creation, not the creator". They deny the creator, which only leaves the creation to worship itself.  Or more precisely, one part of the the creation worshipping another part of the creation-- which has annoited itself as godlike in its powers.

This works out pretty well for you financially if you can be lucky enough to be a God.

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